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Possible First Client, but where to go next???

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#1 wig1989



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Posted 20 August 2010 - 05:42 PM

Hi all, Ive been approched by a colleague who has just started a accountants compnay and was asked to produce a compnay logo for buisness cards, letter headings etc, the design below it what she has asked for and this is my design. now she is very interested in the deisgn and hope to go with it but where do i go from here. what are the next steps to take to deliver the logo to the client, the price i should charge and say copyright/designer rights to the logo. Please Help. Thanks

P.S its the top design not the bottom.

#2 wig1989



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Posted 20 August 2010 - 05:43 PM

this isnt yet finsihed either so ignore the box on the shadow. thanks

#3 Chung Dha

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 04:26 PM

Price you can decide yourself depending on how much you think you are worth. Copyright are bit included inside the invoice saying which rights you have like publishing the logo on your portfolio, website and promoting it. And rights of altering the logo for the clients so you are sure to get a job when the logo needs upgrading in couple of years. Also would not sell off the logo to a 3rd person so the client know you wont sell the logo to someone else and you know the client would not sell it to someone else.

Advice on the design is dont use fake 3d text and try to evoke a message the client want to say to his own clients. Ask allot of questions to know what the company is about to get an idea what to design for them.

#4 wig1989



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Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:10 PM

Price you can decide yourself depending on how much you think you are worth. Copyright are bit included inside the invoice saying which rights you have like publishing the logo on your portfolio, website and promoting it. And rights of altering the logo for the clients so you are sure to get a job when the logo needs upgrading in couple of years. Also would not sell off the logo to a 3rd person so the client know you wont sell the logo to someone else and you know the client would not sell it to someone else.

Advice on the design is dont use fake 3d text and try to evoke a message the client want to say to his own clients. Ask allot of questions to know what the company is about to get an idea what to design for them.

Thanks Chung dha, this is in the early stages yet and so is the company, so will hopefully go through in the next couple of months. with regards to the deign i advised her of a kind of slogan or wording that would encourage people to pick this company out from the others in the area, but they like the idea so as long as they are happy, so am i :) does anyone have any drafts of contracts which i could look at see how to construct one??? thanks again chung dha.

#5 Chung Dha

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:38 PM

You gave the wrong advice especially hate slogans its most horrible thing especially slogans is for designers who cant put the message into the design and that why slogan is the only way to send the correct message.

Also slogans are always so damn long and horrible cause mostly on the letter format the logo is so small mostly the slogan is unreadable.

Slogans should be only added by advertisement and not be within the logo itself. Especially I rather see just SONY on my television and not Sony Make Believe. Slogans just make the logo less clean and simple and it disturbs it does not do what a logo stands for.

#6 yourdesign


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 01:22 AM

If you do decide to add a slogan to a logo, It should probably only be used: if the slogan is very minimal in wording, 5 words or less, and definately not more than 25% height of main logo image.

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