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My entries too close to another designers idea/concept

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#1 ojiek


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 06:20 AM

i got messaged that my entries too close to another designers idea/concept, but when you see it, its clearly that building beside liberty head is my pure concept and that man just copied same as mine, just because typography then i got problem? this is not fair... need clarification here



#2 lucy520



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Posted 29 February 2012 - 12:35 PM

Wow thats amazing, great job. Posted Image

#3 Brannu824


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 02:53 AM

It happens to the best of us! I was ahead for 5 days right up until the final day then some guy copied my design and won! :mad:

#4 sharie



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 03:47 AM

We are sorry this has happened. If this is reported in time We can review the situation. If this is reported after the contestholder chooses a winner then there is not much anyone can do. We do our best to keep this kind of cheating out of the contests. This does catch up with the cheaters and when it does they are banned from the site. We work hard to protect the rights of our designers but I do have to say some of the issues come about when the contest holder starts asking the designers to make something like entry number so and so. When we catch this I call the contestholder and send message. But we need you (designers ) to report this when it happens right off the bat! As I said We can't do much after a winner in the contest.

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#5 jctoledo


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 03:49 AM

It's better if we participate to blind contests.
Or if I may suggest to DC, once a designer's entry was rated the highest, it goes invincible to other designers, except of course to the contestholder. This, I think, eliminates the so-called "trending" designs and eliminates copying....Just a suggestion to DC.....:)

#6 Javed



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 07:53 AM

It's better if we participate to blind contests.
Or if I may suggest to DC, once a designer's entry was rated the highest, it goes invincible to other designers, except of course to the contestholder. This, I think, eliminates the so-called "trending" designs and eliminates copying....Just a suggestion to DC.....:)

Really good Suggestion from jctoledo, I really like the idea that the highest rating entry goes blind to all other designers, so the copy-cat concept goes all the way down. DC team should really think of this idea....

#7 jjyepez



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 08:55 AM

But ... I think that you guys can KINDLY suggest the ContestHolder to go the contest "blind". I repeat, kindly, perhaps the CH is not so familiar with this kind of contest and its benefits to all (him/her included).

So, blind contests are better than non-blind, that's for sure, but .. that's absolutely up to the CH and we must look forward to other designers respect and be fair to the rest of the competitors.

Regards and success!

#8 krsbelle



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Posted 18 July 2012 - 01:45 PM

Maybe the top 10 designs can go invisible providing they are all individual. This way it can stop the copying of any of the top ranked entries.

#9 Babba


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 11:07 PM

Maybe the top 10 designs can go invisible providing they are all individual. This way it can stop the copying of any of the top ranked entries.

Jctoledo and you have a great idea.
My only concern is how about when CH rates top 10-16 same logo with the different background color, logo color in general or just minor changes????
For example (looked much worse just before closing - trees in the head all over the place:)):
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#10 gantaisan


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Posted 12 August 2012 - 03:56 AM

dear dc... if a designer made a design that is close to my concept.. is it proper? what will be your action in this matter dear dc? please check out http://www.designcon...gn/pro-juniors/.... entry #93 and #94 made a close concept of my entry #57.. :( hope there will be a way to make a contest always be fair besides from making a blind contest.. :(

#11 Babba


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Posted 12 August 2012 - 11:02 AM

Gantaisan, you should first read the rules about using clip-art and stock vector silhouettes in logo design.
I recommend the same to many other designer in this contest.

#12 gantaisan


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Posted 12 August 2012 - 03:15 PM

please stick to the topic on designers who are copying concept designs to other designers...

and i respect you dear babba as one of the senior member.. i apologize for what have i done wrong..:(

in addition dear babba.. may i suggest something? i know you are very strict in using clip arts but can you also be strict on designers that are copying the concept of other designers while the contest is going on? because this is one of the problem usually happens in a open contest...

Edited by gantaisan, 12 August 2012 - 03:26 PM.

#13 Babba


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Posted 12 August 2012 - 04:39 PM

So, I must be quiet in order to stay strict to the topic, even if I noticed rule violence?
Frankly, using clip art is also coping - clip art is not your design, right?

i know you are very strict in using clip arts but can you also be strict on designers that are copying the concept of other designers while the contest is going on?

What makes you think I'm not strict to that?
Referring to that, you can find many same "copy" threads with my posts on it, reporting, suggestions, etc...
Not only that I report or ask for Admin's opinion if I'm being copied, but also if I noticed some other designer has been copied. I am trying to take care of each other also. How many of you guys are doing it?

#14 gantaisan


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Posted 12 August 2012 - 06:14 PM

i now understand well... thank you for clarifying dear babba... i really learn now my lesson.. a big sorry :-(

#15 Babba


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Posted 12 August 2012 - 10:06 PM

I have learned my lesson when I used background in design, a long time ago... wasn't aware of it, at first I was shocked.
Once I made a design, spent hours on it, and before I submitted (luckily), I had check the contest and saw almost the same idea of other designer... I contacted admins for their opinion, they told me not to submit it, rather change it. So my whole work went in vein... but we have to stick to the rules.

#16 Dskwkrs


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Posted 13 August 2012 - 07:25 AM

YEP yep YEp yep tisk tisk tisk...

Babba I totally agree with you on many of your points.

Yeah it blows when you have spent hours creating something and someone else beats you to the upload.
but yeah if you had the chance to go to college or some arts school then you would know the golden rule, that is if the instructor had remembered to tell you. Bring your A game. if you do that then there is no chance that someone can touch your concept. Every I is dotted every t is crossed etc etc... what you do on design you do on typography and visa versa.

Unfortunately for me I was always told every rule is meant to be broken except this one... Which I was never told which one so ah I break every rule I guess :?D

Good Luck to each and everyone
Always Dream About Concepts

#17 Dskwkrs


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Posted 13 August 2012 - 07:37 AM

This contest was terrible.. I first get bounced of the top with someone having the bright idea of reporting me for using clip art.. ERRR nope my light bulb from the one that was shown to me that they said I copied was totally off.. UM if you need to copy a light buld and its screw head then you should not be designing.. How simple a light bulb lmao.. But any who they got me off the top almost 36 hours before contest end.. Um how many different concepts have I put up that had the same bulb and my top design gets the boot not the others that I have been revisioning for 4 or 5 days... 100 entries I think I entered.. prob 75% was the exact same bulb.THEN worse I had reported the top design because while I was searching for any more light bulb that I might copy by mistake and found a link that looks exactly like his.. But I get an infraction and the other guy did not. Not only infractions are going on by designers but also contest holders also.

Jctoledo and you have a great idea.
My only concern is how about when CH rates top 10-16 same logo with the different background color, logo color in general or just minor changes????
For example (looked much worse just before closing - trees in the head all over the place:)):
Knowledge Company

#18 Babba


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Posted 18 August 2012 - 05:44 PM

I couldn't tell whether your bulb with the head was copy or not:))) It didn't look copied to me.
But I do remember that contest well... I gave up after seeing 3 pages of trees in the head:) - that's why I said as above how can we make blind first rated 10 or 16 if 3 pages are all the same:).

I was surprised that first designer who came up with that concept had not reported other 2.

#19 arsOrum



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Posted 18 September 2012 - 03:09 PM

Hello Babba ! :) :)

that contest was a shame in general ... the winner did not deserved anything because he just copied the design of the other person just filpping the design that initially has startted from bone as entry number 9 ...

Sometimes it is difficult to say who is worse, if the CH or the designers...

Strict rules are necessary to avoid copies.

Also in this contest, it is happening the same:

There are infinite ways to symbolize anything.
It is sad to see that people just run after rating points ...

Commodity or lack of Imagination ?

#20 jctoledo


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Posted 18 September 2012 - 03:40 PM

Or why not make "ALL" contests blind by default? just suggesting....
In this way, no copying or complaints of TOO close to other entries?

Edited by jctoledo, 18 September 2012 - 03:54 PM.

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